Useful Links and Resources for Residential Painting
Click on the following links below to learn more about our suppliers and us. When you’re ready, give us a call or send us a message to receive your free estimate on our painting and home renovation services.
Useful Links
Better Business Report – BBB Reliability Report for APWPAINTING
Van Isle Windows
Benjamin Moore
Castle Building Centres
Industrial Plastics & Paints Victoria Phone# (250)727-3545, (250) 595-1225
Cloverdale Paint Store Cedar Hill X Rd (250) 472-6868
BayWest Rona (250) 595-1225
Home Hardware Stores Oak Bay (250)598-1620 Saanichton (250) 652-2200
LUMBERWORLD (250) 479-7151 3955 Quadra St.
General Paint Corp (250) 477-4223 4099 Shelbourne St. and (250) 474-7486 783 Goldstream Ave.
Dulux Paints (250) 382-3114
Home Lumber & Building Supplies
Ken’s Roofing Supplies Ltd.3333 Tennyson Ave. Victoria, BC (250) 475-1118 or toll free:1-866-475-1118
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